The Northern Kentucky Chapter of KAPS will be hosting an in-person spring seminar led by Chris Gephart, PLS, Derek Roche, and Tom Buschelman on April 5, 2025 at Riegler Blacktop's Training Room in Florence, KY. All times are Eastern.
Breakfast Snacks Provided
8:00 - 12:00 Standards of Practice taught by Chris Gephart, PLS (4 PDH)
Focus on the Standards of Practice – KRS & KAR, our responsibility to protect the public; KRS Chapter 322 – definitions, exceptions, licensure requirements, investigation/complaints, makeup of the board & qualifications; code of Professional Practice and Conduct – definitions, conflict of interest, records retention, qualifications/competence, direct supervision; Standards of Practice – history of the Standards, most common Standards of Practice deficiencies, definitions, classifications for surveys, measurement specifications, monumentation, Section 13 non-boundary survey work; Q&A
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Provided
1:00 - 3:00 Relative Positional Accuracy from Derek Roche (2 PDH)
This course will focus on calculating and reporting RPA for GNSS Boundary Surveys, Least Squares Adjustment in the field.
3:00 - 5:00 Roundtable Discussion on Unusual/Interesting Surveying Scenarios moderated by Tom Bushelman, PLS (2 PDH)
Attendees are encouraged to bring in anything from their own practice that is thought provoking and discuss among peers.
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